English as a Second Language
Milan Special School District is committed to quality instruction for every child, no matter his or her language background. We currently have one ESL teacher who serves every English Learner every day.
Our English Learner program focuses on communication and increasing proficiency in English. The ESL teacher works closely with content teachers to provide our English Learners with the greatest possible opportunity to achieve academic success. Milan Special School District’s board policy concerning English Learners (4.207) can be found here.
Our Services:
Annual English Language assessment
Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) personalized to the language needs of each student
Small group instruction in reading, writing, listening, and speaking
Supplemental language and literacy software materials
The ESL program uses the WIDA framework for instruction and assessment. The WIDA Standards can be found at www.wida.us. Additional information about English Learners in Tennessee can be found on the Tennessee Department of Education website https://www.tn.gov/education/.
Please refer to MSSD’s assessment calendar for the dates the ACCESS (assessment) for ELs is administered.
(refer to MSSD board policy 4.207)
Greg Scott, Supervisor