Career Technical Education
Career Content
Each program of study at Milan High School consists of three-to-four courses in the content area. Students combine theory with hands-on training using industry-specific tools, technology, and equipment. Advisory councils, made up of professionals from Milan businesses, assist our instructors in making sure students are being trained on the most current information available.
Employability Skills
Each program of study teaches professionalism and soft skills in addition to course content. Students will be taught how to complete a resume, participate in a mock job interview, and have the opportunity to test these skills through one of our five career and technical student organizations which compete at the regional, state, and national levels.
Work-Based Learning
Work-based learning (WBL) is a proactive approach to bridging the gap between high school and high-demand, high-skill careers in Tennessee. Students build on classroom-based instruction to develop employability skills that prepare them for success in postsecondary education and future careers. Through experiences like internships, apprenticeships, and paid work experience, juniors and seniors (16 years or older) may earn high school credit for capstone WBL experiences. WBL coordinators are educators who are trained and certified by the department to coordinate these WBL experiences for students.
Milan Academy
Milan Academy offers students the opportunity to finish their graduation requirements in a flexible environment and participate in work-based learning opportunities for the bulk of the school day. This is available to juniors and seniors. For more information, please email: hassellj@milanssd.org or cavittj@milanssd.org.
Students in the Milan Academy are eligible for the State of Tennessee’s Industry 4.0 Diploma Distinction. The Industry 4.0 Diploma allows for high school students who are interested in pursuing a career in a high-need, high-skill industry after graduation. Students who earn the Industry 4.0 Diploma Distinction will:
Complete a minimum of 9 dual enrollment or work-based learning credits aligned to their career goal
Receive monthly on-campus career coaching and counseling to help with the transition into the workforce
Option: substitute a WBL or dual enrollment credit for one upper -level math and/or science credit
Our instructors come from industry and offer students unique learning opportunities to complement the core high school courses. From taking blood pressure to changing tires, growing plants to making a five-course meal, CTE teaches life and career skills that allow students to find activities that align to interests and aptitude.